
    How the Weak are Made Strong

    I’ve been traveling recently (which is why this post is late) and have met some incredible people. The thing that struck me in our conversations was not our common relationship with Jesus but how in our struggles and pain that relationship comes alive with greater revelation and knowledge of this Jesus who is our Savior. The experience can deepen our love for Him, it can show us all what He intended by our salvation to help us live this life now, and it binds us, one to another, as Christians. Death, change and uncertainty affect us all, but it is in taking in His words to us, breathing in His promises and breathing them out into the circumstances looming before us, that we begin to glimpse this kingdom He proclaimed is at hand, available, near.

    For example, Kristen, a missionary with three beautiful children and a Hungarian husband with a heart for his homeland. Their lives were in serious transition. They trusted Jesus, surrendering their future to Him. Anxiety comes with uncertainty, but we are commanded not to fear. Why? Because the Jesus who handed us salvation will never leave us without His support. (Hebrews 13:5 Amplified Bible)

    Then there is Linda, a woman grieving the loss of her father, assisting her aging mother with all that entails while worrying over a son facing the consequence of his bad choices in life. Jesus hears her whispered prayers. He sees her tears when she is alone. He comforts in the silence. His heart is for the downtrodden and the fatherless.(Psalm 68:5 and John 14:1)

    There are women like Mary, Joan and Beverly, recently widowed, confused by the multitude of decisions and reeling from the changes forced upon them; overcome by the impact death makes— separation, the tearing away; the end of dreams. But Jesus is there, holding out His hand to take you up.

    This week my children are enduring the anniversary of their father’s death, my husband. There is so much emotion and thoughts packed into that statement that I leave unsaid here. But I want to share a song with you that defines us as a family. I hope it speaks to you in the struggles and pain in your life. Our message to you is that God is faithful and those that sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. (Psalm 126:5)


    Image courtesy of Alyssa, the photographer in the family. Just like her dad.


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