The Sign of Jacob's Well at Shechem
Mar 15, 2023
Sometimes people can doubt the promises of God. In the middle of a challenge they wonder if His words will prove true. Will the promise they have taken for themselves, depended on, are leaning on with no safety net beneath them, be seen in their life?
Abraham was a man with an experience. He didn't have a Bible. He didn't have a stone with the Commandments on it. He didn't have a scroll with the laws of Israel on it. He had a Voice that spoke to him. He had instructions, and he had a promise.
What Mother Mary Got Right
Dec 14, 2022
When God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, she responded in a way that still has an important message for us today.
How the Weak are Made Strong
May 26, 2017
I’ve been traveling recently (which is why this post is late) and have met some incredible people. The thing that struck me in our conversations was not our common relationship with Jesus but how in our struggles and pain that relationship comes alive with greater revelation and knowledge of this Jesus who is our Savior. The experience can deepen our love for Him, it can show us all what He intended by our salvation to help us live this life now, and it binds us, one to another, as Christians. D…
The Good in Good Friday
Apr 14, 2017
Today is Good Friday in the United States. Good Friday is a day that Christians around the world acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude. It is the day that Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah and Son of Man, died a brutal death for anyone willing to believe in Him. It is our choice to accept His work for us. It is truly a gift offered by the One Who is Love. His life and death is the way to receive mercy, peace and abundant life. It is hard for those who to choose not to believe the eviden…
Three Steps to a Thoroughly Clean Home
Mar 22, 2017
Spring is here! I am so happy to see robins and... the ground! The snow is gone, the sun is shining, and I have the urge to clean. Spring cleaning is a tradition, a rite of spring as much as daffodils and tulips. Jesus was often accused of violating tradition even though He said He did not come to do away with the Law. Matthew 5:17 says, "Don't suppose that I came to do away with the law and the Prophets. I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning." His life a…
I love to garden. The warm weather has me making plans for my new landscape. Here, however, I will be battling the appetites of numerous deer and squirrels. I’ve been spending a lot of time perusing deer-resistant plant lists. But the challenge will be worth it, I say to myself. Growing anything anywhere can be a gamble. Jesus knew that. But he planted anyway. In Mark chapter 4, Jesus is talking about planting seed. Sowing is the word used, and it has the meaning of scattering seed. This sc…