Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 22, 2022
I'm sharing some fall pictures with you even though they were taken over a month ago. They seem more appropriate for a Thanksgiving post than the snow outside...
On Thursday many in the U.S. will be gathering with friends and family in an attitude of gratefulness. I will be one of them. Lists will be read. Prayers will be said. Here are some things I'm thankful for.
I am so thankful for all Jesus has done for me. I know you are too. All of eternity will be filled with our thank yous for His love and mercy. Life with Jesus has turned me into a "Thanks Giver." Yes, that's the title of a David Crowder song which is my current favorite. Have you heard it? You can listen to it here.
One of my grandsons likes Crowder's beard and was wondering if he could have one. Not when you are eight, unfortunately. But there are alot of beards in that video, and he is thankful for every one.
Which brings me to my next thankful topic: no, not beards, my family. It is hard to put to words the extent to which I cherish my children, their spouses and my grandchildren. I am so blessed...
What you may not realize is how thankful I am for you. All the books, study guides, videos and courses are created with you in mind. What do you need to be victorious? What would bless you? Encourage you? Help you and your family draw closer to God?
I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving and may God supply all your needs according to His riches in glory because of what Jesus has done for you. (See Philippians 4:19.)
Also, please take advantage of our Amazon ebook sale. Many of our titles are $2.99 and the Born Again ebook is only $1.99. Our workbooks are also discounted. Regular prices will resume after Thanksgiving. You can check out our titles here.
Give Thanks photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash.
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