Lessons I Learned From Prison
Nov 25, 2016
Success can seem like a hard nut to crack. There are times that you give 100% and get zero back. The Apostle Paul went to Philippi to preach the message of living life in Jesus. While he was there he healed a young slave girl of a tormenting spirit. Only, her owners made big bucks for themselves by passing her off as a fortune teller. Delivered of the spirit, the slave was no longer profitable. Paul was hauled before the judges, stripped of his clothes and “severely flogged.” (Acts 16:23 NIV).…
Socialism's Search for God
Aug 19, 2016
In Luke 12:31-32, Jesus tells us to “...seek the kingdom” and then encourages us further by saying, “Do not be afraid...your Father [is] pleased to give you the kingdom.” (NIV) But what is the Kingdom? It is a place of total reliance on God. Jesus said the Kingdom is at hand and set out to demonstrate how it worked. He taught, “Have faith in God,” (Mark 11:22 is one example) for health, for peace, for prosperity and for success. We are to ask, Jesus taught, because we will receive. The …